30 MINUTES A DAY | Let’s read the Bible together

Starting Monday, January 1st 2024, we will listen to the word daily (Romans 10:17)

We recommend using the Youversion Bible App for this exercise

Daily Approach 1 | In-App (Community)

  • Download the YouVersion bible app
  • Click HERE to join others in this exercise 
  • Comment when done listening (optional)

Daily Approach 2 | Online

  • Kindly visit https://biblereading.rhogic.org/
  • Locate the Bible Reading for that day
  • Watch the suggested video (if any)
  • Read the recommended Bible passages
  • Read the article or extra resources (if any)
  • Comment “done”, “amen” or something you learned (optional) 

Daily approach 3 | in app (private)

  • Download the YouVersion Bible App
  • Search for the “One Story That Leads to Jesus” Bible Reading Plan
  • Commit to listening daily

Please note:

This exercise seeks to emphasize one of the ways the Word is meant to be internalized so, it is not intended to be a substitute for your preferred daily bible reading.

Please use either a thought for thought (NLT, CEV, NIV, etc) or paraphrase (the message, TLB) version of the bible if possible.

Lastly, though we are emphasizing listening in this exercise, feel free to read along where and when able.

Thank you.