Bible reading for the day: Number 31 – 32, Psalm 50
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Bible reading for the day: Number 31 – 32, Psalm 50
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Bible reading for the day: Number 28 – 30, Psalm 49
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Bible reading for the day: Number 25- 27, Psalm 48
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Bible reading for the day: Number 22 – 24, Psalm 47
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Bible reading for the day: Number 19 – 21, Psalm 46
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Bible reading for the day: Number 17 – 18, Psalm 45
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Bible reading for the day: Number 14 – 16, Psalm 44
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Bible reading for the day: Number 11 – 13, Psalm 43
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Bible reading for the day: Number 8 – 10, Psalm 42
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Credit: YouVersion
Bible reading for the day: Number 5 – 7, Psalm 41
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Credit: YouVersion